Demetrius Robinson, who serves as the Director of Choral Activities and Music Department Chair at The Soulsville Charter School (TSCS), recently had the honor of taking the Soulsville Chorale to Nashville for a performance at the Tennessee Music Educators Association Professional Development Conference on April 28, 2022.
The Soulsville Charter School Chorale is composed of auditioned singers in grades 9-12, representing the top tier of vocalists involved in the music programs at Soulsville. Under Robinson’s tutelage, the chorale has consistently received sweepstakes awards at district and state festivals as well as grand champion awards at several national competitions. Additionally, The Chorale has performed for the the likes of John Legend, Hasfat Abiola, Gloria Steinem, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and former Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam among many others. During the 2017-2018 school year, the Chorale performed Mozart’s Solemn Vesper’s at Carnegie Hall in New York City.

Robinson’s duties at TSCS have consisted of developing a comprehensive choral music program and overseeing all aspects of the music department. Choirs under Demetrius’ leadership consistently receive superior ratings at regional and national festivals/competitions and invitations to perform at various prestigious events.
Additionally, Demetrius serves as an instructor of music at The University of Memphis, where he leads The Voices of Inspiration Choir and teaches a graduate-level choral rehearsal techniques course.
Demetrius received a bachelor’s degree in vocal and instrumental music education and a master’s degree in choral conducting, both from the University of Southern Mississippi. He also completed an Educational Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership at William Carey University. Currently, Demetrius is pursuing a Ph.D. in music education (choral) and educational leadership/policy at The University of Memphis.
Demetrius is in demand as a choral clinician, consultant, worship leader, and Hammond B-3 organist throughout the Southeast region. He has presented workshops at various major conferences on topics including music literacy, student leadership in the music classroom, motivating music learners, equity in the music classroom, and vocal music in the black church, among others.